The Biosphere Platinum label is awarded to destinations where, public administration and private enterprise, work hand in hand to make living patterns and consumption experiences more sustainable.


The Biosphere Platinum label is awarded to destinations where, public administration and private enterprise, work hand in hand to make living patterns and consumption experiences more sustainable.

Tourism activity in Barcelona has a strong presence in the city, which has led to a citizen debate on the sustainability of tourism development. Measures have been promoted to integrate urban management of tourism, the voice of the resident community has been incorporated into the deliberation on tourism activity, illegal practices in holiday rentals have been firmly combated, responsible tourism has been supported and management has been improved in the areas with the greatest tourist pressure, among other actions.

Barcelona was the first urban destination to obtain Biosphere certification and has implemented the Barcelona Biosphere Commitment to Sustainable Tourism, which recognises tour operators that are committed to sustainability, responsible and respectful management of the environment and heritage, gender equality, working conditions and social and economic return.
Biosphere Sustainable for destinations

Biosphere Sustainable for destinations

Optimise the sustainability management of an entire territory. Involve businesses, tourists and citizens. Certify the sustainability of your destination now!

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