
This destination is in the process of certification.



This destination is in the process of certification.

In Alvaiázere, nature is intensely green. Valleys and floodplains embrace two tranquil watercourses, the Nabão and the Ribeira de Alge. High up in the landscape, the Serra de Alvaiázere, the highest point of the Sicó limestone massif, is home to natural values whose importance has led this territory to be included in the Natura 2000 Network.

The local culture and identity, which can be seen from the limestone walls and buildings to the aromas and flavors of good food, are the fruit of this region\'s karst origin.

Alvaiázere\'s natural, environmental and cultural value deserves to be known and experienced to the full. Not only today, but also for future generations!
The Municipality of Alvaiázere, recognizing that boosting nature tourism is a factor in the growth and enhancement of the municipality\'s economy, is committed to embracing this challenge, safeguarding that the sector\'s growth must go hand in hand with the principles of economic, environmental and social sustainability that are embodied in the United Nations\' 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Alvaiázere is an attractive, dynamic and sustainable municipality!

Certification in the 2030 Agenda

Places around the world that are committed to becoming more sustainable, demonstrating their efforts

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Biosphere Sustainable for destinations

Biosphere Sustainable for destinations

Optimise the sustainability management of an entire territory. Involve businesses, tourists and citizens. Certify the sustainability of your destination now!

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