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Top futuristic cities in the world

Top futuristic cities in the world

We are in the year 2023 and there is a big question we are not asking: where are the flying cars?

We know that technology can be used for many things, it allows us, for example, to talk to someone thousands of miles away, to light a cooking fire with the push of a button (the microwave does not count as cooking) or to make a doll cry inconsolably as if it were a baby (yes, it is not always used to do good).

Technology has reached goals that seemed impossible and our day to day lives are in continuous transformation, with innovations that make our lives easier. Some of them we can see in our cities, in terms of mobility, safety, sustainability and much more.

So let's take a look at a list of the most futuristic cities and see if any of them answer our question about flying cars:


Let's start with the Netherlands. Its capital, Amsterdam, has received many accolades for its smart initiatives, such as the so-called Amsterdam Smart City, which has already proven its success. In addition to involving local businesses and organizations, they managed to evaluate sustainable alternatives for the city's largest shopping district, Utrechsestraat. And projects such as Climate Street, achieved, among other things, energy-efficient street lighting and smart public transport that helped to substantially reduce pollution.

This is Amsterdam, will we ever see a flying bicycle? Let's not lose hope!


We flew to the UK, to the jewel in the crown, modern London.

The Public Innovation Exchange is a great opportunity for London companies and startups to find solutions to a wide variety of urban problems. With an emphasis on promoting cooperation between the public, technology and academic sectors.

The Connected London initiative, offers 5G access throughout the city, which requires a huge infrastructure, to provide maximum fiber optic coverage to the greatest number of people. Everyone connected to everyone.


The city of Barcelona has repeatedly won awards for implementing smart technology. In 2011, the city held the first Smart Cities World Expo and Congress to promote a hyper-connected, self-sufficient, zero-emissions city.

Barcelona is full of technological gadgets at street level, such as LED sensors that monitor traffic, air quality, pedestrian activity and even noise. We can also find smart garbage cans equipped with vacuum cleaners that drain garbage to the bottom subway, minimizing odors and reducing garbage truck trips.

Not to mention that the city's bike-sharing model was one of the first to reduce the use of motor vehicles, especially in the city center. If this is not enough, Barcelona is also a Biosphere destination.


One of the pearls of the Orient, and its star program: Smart Dubai 2021. A plan that includes some one hundred projects to digitize all government services, covering urban planning, transportation, financial services, telecommunications and energy. It is estimated that this digitization will save the city some $245 million.

According to the Roads and Transit Authority, a device for bus drivers that uses artificial intelligence has drastically decreased traffic accidents caused by fatigue or tiredness.

A lot of money invested in sustainability and self-sufficiency.


It is the second most densely populated city in the world, with around 8,000 people per square kilometer. Its government continually looks for ways to incorporate digital advances to increase productivity.

Singapore's Smart Nation digitally collects traffic volume data and it is sent to the appropriate agencies to provide better services. Singapore's virtual development leads to a dynamic 3D city model that acts as a collaborative data platform. Public and private companies are keen to develop tools that can be further tested to elevate smart city technology initiatives.

Public housing is continuously tested for advanced innovations, such as water management systems and tracking systems for all seniors. By 2022, the government plans to launch smart and efficient lighting and build 6,000 solar panels on the roofs of city buildings.

A real feat for a city with a major aging problem, an example of will and hope.

And so much for the journey through some of the world's most futuristic cities. We know we haven't solved the problem of flying cars, but first we have to reduce pollution from today's airplanes. The future always starts today.

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